Articles (General)
Economic Stress and the Middle Class, Part II
June 2014 Ivan Obolensky Part I covered the following: A US family must receive an income today in the top 20% to enjoy the benefits of a typical Middle Class family of the 1970s. Although incomes have increased many times since then, real wages peaked in 1972 and have remained flat ever since. Put another way: Incomes may have risen, …
Read MoreEconomic Stress and the Middle Class, Part I
May 2014 Ivan Obolensky In the United States it has been observed that in order to enjoy the benefits of the Middle Class a family must receive an income in the top 20% of the population (minimally over $105,000)1. The next few articles will examine how this might be true, what factors have contributed to this result, and what …
Read MoreMedia and Spin
April 2014 Ivan Obolensky Any time one feels the need to liven up an otherwise uneventful day, simply ask someone how they feel about climate change and then disagree with them. The subject can set off a debate as sizzling as swinging a golf club in a thunderstorm. Opinions on climate change generally fall into several categories: Those who believe …
Read MoreFacts and Promises
March 2014 Ivan Obolensky Here are some interesting facts to ponder: Economics consists of two main parts. The part that explains what is happening and the other part that supplies the raw data that the first part is based on. Here we examine some raw data. Please do not be put off by the large numbers and the fact that …
Read MoreThe Carry Trade
February 2014 Ivan Obolensky Markets in Europe and in the US tanked recently. The reasons cited were turmoil in Emerging Markets and the unwinding of the carry trade. Nice to know, but whatever does it mean? Emerging Markets are countries characterized by rapid growth and industrialization. They include the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and the MIKTs (Malaysia, Indonesia, South …
Read MoreLucky or Unlucky?
January 2014 Ivan Obolensky Human history is the result of the many contributions by individuals. Some individuals we consider good. They have tried to make the Earth a better place, and we try and emulate them as best we can. Some we consider bad. We record their destructive ways and use them as examples of what not to do. Luck …
Read MoreAnother View of History
December 2013 Ivan Obolensky William the Conqueror was born in France in 1027. In 1066, he invaded England and defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings. William died at Rouen on September 9th, 1087. Life is often reduced to a series of facts. This is what passes for history in most schools. Is it any wonder that many children find …
Read MoreSelf-sabotage
November 2013 Ivan Obolensky Many people want to get rich. Starting out, the young man or woman who wants to be wealthy figures the money is in either being a lawyer, a doctor, or working for a financial powerhouse like Goldman Sachs. Starting a technology company might also be a good idea. CEOs earn huge sums, and Wall Street traders …
Read MoreIn Light of New Evidence
October 2013 Ivan Obolensky Kevin Stewart commutes between his home and his work by car. The daily trip takes forty minutes on a good traffic day and an hour and fifteen on a bad one. He has been making the commute for a year and a half. He rarely exceeds the speed limit. He considers himself a good driver but …
Read MoreTime Will Tell
September 2013 Ivan Obolensky We live in a world that is far more networked and connected than ever before. As we confront and deal with this complexity, are we becoming more intelligent? Insects, plants, fish, and a myriad of other creatures from lobsters to tree frogs have inhabited Earth for millions of years. Have they gotten smarter with their longevity? …
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